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Andrea La Camera

He saves time wearing the first t-shirt and the first pair of jeans that he can find in his wardrobe and an unkempt beard. He loves to observe the starry sky using his telescope and his desk is a curious cluster of things: three computers, some Arduinos and Raspberry Pi, piles of sheets full of notes, a graphics tablet, and a 3D printer. During his work he uses to listen to cartoon songs while eating almost continuously gummy and licorice candies.

Andrea La Camera obtained the master degree in Physics in 2006 and the PhD in Computer Science in 2011 at the University of Genoa. He was a post-doc researcher from 2011 to 2017 at the DIBRIS department where he focused on astronomical image processing and developed methods and software. He is author and co-author of 40+ publications (complete list). Since 1993 he has been passionate about astronomy and science outreach.

For Teiga he is full stack developer.